Mastering the Art of Framing: A Holistic Approach to Personal Growth and Exit Planning

In the intricate dance of decision-making, our perceptions shape the reality we navigate. One powerful tool in this cognitive toolkit is framing—the art of presenting and interpreting information. Whether seeking personal fulfilment or navigating the complexities of exit planning in the corporate world, understanding and applying various framing techniques can be a game-changer.

In this blog post, we’ll explore five distinct frames—Ecology, Outcome, Contrast, ‘As If’, and Negotiation—and how each can be harnessed to elevate both personal well-being and the strategic considerations of business exit planning.

1- Ecology Frame: A Blueprint for Harmony

For Everyone:
Adopting an ecological frame in personal life involves considering the interconnectedness of one’s choices with the broader environment and well-being. Embracing sustainable practices, maintaining healthy relationships, and prioritising mental well-being are key aspects. This approach promotes a balanced and harmonious lifestyle, fostering a sense of fulfilment and happiness.

For Business Owners (Exit Planning):
Adopting an ecology frame is crucial for business owners engaged in exit planning. Beyond financial considerations, the ecology frame encourages business owners to assess the broader impact of their decisions on employees, stakeholders, and the community. This approach fosters a legacy of responsible entrepreneurship, contributing to the well-being of both the business owner and the broader business ecosystem.

2- Outcome Frame: Shaping Success from Within

For Everyone:
In personal pursuits and goal-setting, embracing the outcome frame involves focusing on the desired end results rather than potential obstacles. This approach empowers individuals to navigate life with a proactive and solution-oriented mindset, fostering a sense of achievement and personal growth.

For Business Owners (Exit Planning):
For business owners in exit planning, adopting the outcome frame is pivotal. Instead of fixating on potential challenges, concentrate on the desired outcomes of the business transition. By staying focused on the desired outcomes, business owners can navigate the complexities of exit planning with resilience and confidence, achieving a successful transition.

3- Contrast Frame: Navigating Choices with Clarity

For Everyone:
In personal growth and decision-making, leveraging the contrast frame involves comparing and contrasting options to make informed choices. Embrace contrasting experiences as valuable lessons, helping refine goals and values. This approach empowers individuals to make choices aligned with their true aspirations, fostering a journey of self-discovery and continuous improvement.

For Business Owners (Exit Planning):
The contrast frame is a valuable tool for business owners navigating exit planning. Compare and contrast different exit strategies, considering the impact on personal goals, financial outcomes, and the business legacy. This approach enables business owners to tailor their exit strategy to align with their vision for the future, ensuring a smooth transition and a legacy that reflects their values.

4- ‘As If’ Frame: Living Your Future Success Now

For Everyone:
In personal development and decision-making, embracing the ‘as if’ frame involves adopting a mindset as if the desired outcome has already been achieved. By living ‘as if,’ individuals can tap into their potential and manifest positive change in their lives.

For Business Owners (Exit Planning):
Adopting the ‘as if’ frame is a strategic approach for business owners in the exit planning phase. Envision the successful completion of the exit plan, embody the qualities of a post-transition business owner, and make decisions as if the transition has already occurred.

5- Negotiation Frame: Building Bridges for Success

For Everyone:
In everyday interactions and personal relationships, understanding the negotiation frame is crucial. Approach conversations with the mindset that seeks mutual understanding and cooperation. This approach transforms interactions into opportunities for mutual growth and learning, contributing to stronger connections and a more harmonious social environment.

For Business Owners (Exit Planning):
Mastering the negotiation frame is paramount for business owners engaged in exit planning. Navigate discussions with potential buyers, investors, and stakeholders with a focus on creating value for all parties involved. This approach ensures a smoother exit process and enhances the likelihood of achieving favourable terms and outcomes.


In the dynamic landscape of personal growth and business strategy, framing is a versatile tool that can reshape our journey and redefine success. By incorporating these framing techniques, individuals and business owners can chart a course towards holistic well-being and strategic achievement.

Whether navigating personal aspirations or orchestrating the exit of a business, the power of framing lies in its ability to shape our decisions and our entire outlook on the path ahead.

  • Lee Dinsdale

    Lee has over 15 years of experience in professional services as an investment manager and private banker and, since 2014, as a social value entrepreneur. Lee is now an Accredited Coach, Master Practitioner in NLP and trained Hypnotherapist, and was recently awarded a distinction for his MBA.